Thursday 17 December 2009

Unbelievable Pictures

Here is some of the unbelievable pictures for you.
Unbelievable Pictures 01
Big stone cause unstable of lorry.

Unbelievable Picture 02
What happen to this aeroplane?

Unbelievable Pictures 03
Tornado attack the airport.

Unbelievable Picture 04
Dangerous aeroplane.

Unbelievable Picture 05
Where is the tyre of the aeroplane gone?

Unbelievable Pictures 06
suck the box?

Unbelievable Pictures 07
Is this horse sucuide? car and horse accident.

Unbelievable Pictures 08
car crash…

Unbelievable Picture 09
ship fall down..

Unbelievable Pictures 10
car in the swimming pool.

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